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Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I just added a new section under books: Media! When I went to get my copies of Dark River and Warrior's Refuge, I was very surprised to see that they had THEIR OWN DISPLAY in the front of the store! Usually, they're shoved off into some back corner, but this time they were proudly displayed in the front! So, having left my camera at home, I pulled out my cell phone and snapped some shots that can now be found under 'Media' on the left side bar!

Whoo! All userbars updated! Character, couples, and book status! Fwee!

Yes! I got the family tree all up-to-date with the new books as well as the new info from the official website! Scatteredpelt also figured out how to fix the color issues, so now you can tell what it's supposed to look like!!! *huge grin*

Wow! Those books were amazing! I must warn everyone now of spoilers, since I'm begining to bring the site up-to-date with all of the new information. I started by adding a spoiler-ific but very important question as a new poll, so if you read Dark River, please vote and help me decide! I personally think it's the second one, but I want your input before I assume so. More updates soon to come! Also, I am going to update things as they stand right now, including anything we learned in the Outcast preview. *SPOILER*(I.E. Berrynose instead of Berrypaw, Foxpaw and Icepaw, etc.)

Update I didn't think this was worth an entire new post, but I updated the character list page as well as the cannon couples page.


Whoa, two updates in a day! Anyway, if you don't have a website and yet still wanted to link to us via forum, but didn't know BBC code, you're in luck! We now have BBC code for our Link-to buttons! YAY! Knock yourself out! Also, I elongated the name of the last button on the page, too. :)

Dark River and Warrior's Refuge are out! We still haven't gotten to the store yet, but whoot! I have, however, gotten everything but the family tree up-to-date on those new family relations revealed on the official site. (I, personally, consider them cannon, although I know many don't.) This means new userbars, additions to the cannon couples page, and additions to the ThunderClan cats page! I also added a 'Lionpaw x Heatherpaw' userbar because I've heard that's cannon now. I also took Dark River and Warrior's Refuge off of the Upcoming Releases page, something that made me estatic! Now, I'm off to eat breakfast! ;)
Still-getting-used-to-this-new-news- system,

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Twelve new avatars

Thanks Thistlecloud and Scatteredpelt for helping me with this crazy 12 Days of Christmas idea. Now, on the last day, we have 12 new avatars for you to enjoy made by me! This has been a ton of hard, fun work, and I hope everyone liked it!!

We may not be updating again for a couple days for two reasons. First, we are all worn out website wise after this gigantic project, and secondly, Scatteredpelt and I will have our noses buried in The Dark River and Warrior's Refugee, and I'm sure most of you will, too! We should be back in a couple days to start the arduous task of updating the website for the new books, though!

I'm also making a 'past layouts' page so that if you miss the Christmasy layout we have, you can look at it later!

So, Merry Christmas everyone! Or Happy belated Hanukkah, or Happy early Kwanzaa!



On the eleventh day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Eleven new userbars

Yes, two userbar-themed days in a row... The link is "Other Userbars" in the Userbars page... Emberpelt made them. (I have no idea why she had me upload them...)

Merry Christmas Eve, Christmas celebrators, and Happy Holidays to everyone!


On the tenth day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Ten new slash userbars

Yes, fans of slash pairings (That's when two cats of the same gender are paired ups) can rejoice! Find the link directly under "Couples Userbars" on the userbars page! YAY! :D

Also, Emberpelt got a the calendar for January up! (Background image from here) And she fixed the new link-to buttons codes so now they actually link to the site!


On the ninth day of Christmas, my website gave to me
Nine new parodies

We have NINE new parodies! Check it out!

Also, is it just me or is this the most addictive thing on the internet?


On the eighth day of Christmas, my website gave to me
Eight new link-to buttons

We have more buttons to choose from when linking to us! YAY! The link is on the right sidebar this time, though!


On the seventh day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Seven new fanart pieces

Hey guys! It's the seventh day of Christmas! And I give you: 7 new fanarts! Scourge, Bluestar, Leopardstar, and another ThunderClan symbol by me, Sky and a silhouette by Emberpelt, and another Bluestar by Scatteredpelt! Enjoy!


On the sixth day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Six new signatures

Yep! Six new signatures, all made by me. I hope you like! The new ones are the ones on page two.

Also, I just noticed, (thanks to Thistlecloud) that some of our links were totally wonky. Everything is fixed now so you can go actually see the new content! Enjoy!

Also, I proudly give the December Site of the Month award to Midnight Sanctuary! Be sure to check out the website!


On the fifth day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Five new poems

Poems... not much else to say...

Also, is it just me or are the lyrics to "TWD Days of Christmas" a little wonky? From your (The viewer's) point of view, it's not your website. From the POV of me, Emberpelt, and Thistlecloud, we are giving, not receiving. Oh well!


On the fourth day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Four new info sections
Thanks to a Herculean effort on the part of Thistlecloud and me, we now have the "After Sunset : We Need to Talk" script up, a page of all cannon couples, and the blurbs for all the books and allegiances for all but Midnight, Moonrise, Dawn, Starlight, and Twilight, which will all be up soon. You can find it all under "Books". The allegiances and blurbs are under "book stuff" I hope you like!! It was A LOT of work!

On the third day of Christmas,
my website gave to me
Three new coloring pages

Yes, Coloring pages. It's just the line art of some pictures I've drawn. There will be more after Christmas, but for now, enjoy what's there! Also, because of the fact that I did not originally draw these pictures on paper or in any specific size for printing, these may not be printer friendly. If so, you have my full permission to resize, crop, ect.. If you want rules for use, go to the page. :)


On the second day of Christmas, my website gave to me
Two new tidbits

Why yes, two new tidbits. Emberpelt wrote the one entitled Gorsepaw, and Coffee was a collaboration between Emberpelt and I. Short post, I know, but hey, it's not like you don't have anything new to read :)


On the first day of Christmas, my website gave to me
One new news system

Yes, we are doing something for Christmas! You may be thinking, "What the patoshka? Christmas isn't for another 11 days!", however, this is only day number one. Tomorrow we will be giving you two of something, three the next, four the next, ect. This will go on until Christmas day, in which twelve things are posted. Note that there won't be the full released lyrics of the released days up on the top- we don't want to confuse people by having no new news system tomorrow :).

By the way, I made this with raw HTML and CSS- this is NOT CuteNews! If you want to comment, use the "Contact me" link to the left. Thank you and goodnight.

In unrelated news, there is a new section known as "Theories", listing theories and supporting statements for those theories. If you like to read essays about various things, that is the section for you. :)

12/13/07 I finally got Author Traker! There's a new one out! It has a reminder of the upcoming books (as if we need reminding ^.^), a note about not giving chocolate to pets, and an awesome surprise! A link to , which has the allegiances, prologue, blurb, and first couple pages of each chapter in the book!! I personally don't want to read stuff from the middle of the book and never read the allegiances until after I finish, I just read the prologue. It also lets us know that they put a 'peak inside' for The Warrior's Refugee on the Official Site that's really cool. Go check it out!

12/13/07 Okay, I think putting the upcoming releases on the sidebar wasn't the best idea, it was getting way too cluttered. So I put it on it's own page and made a link to in in it's place. Enjoy! Also, you may be able to find some of our upcoming surprises if you're clever enough looking! Oh - and if you're our 4,000th hit, please take a screenshot and send it in for a FREE requested graphic!

12/11/07 Sorry for disappearing, guys! The three of us have been busy on a super-special Christmas surprise for you! But you'll just have to wait to find out what it is! In the meantime, my job on it's done, so I've been working on other things. As you can see on the left sidebar, I added a list of upcoming Warriors books. The release dates are as seen on Enjoy! Also, I just noticed a TON of new family relations on The Official Website, so I'll be fixing my family tree soon. I decided to wait to fix it until I start updating for anything new in Dark River or Warrior's Refugee. Two family tree updates in one month is just too much. ^.^ Anyway, enjoy the update!

11/25/07 Nice Queen reference, Scatteredpelt. ;P Her awesome Christmas addition reminded me to get up the December calendar, so I made it and put it up! Check it out! The photo background on this one needs no credit, it's an original!

11/25/07 Open your eyes, look up to the top banner skies and seeee... We have a new, somewhat more festive banner! It's of a more Christmas-y theme, so if you don't celebrate Christmas, then just take it for the seasonal message. Also, ironic that it's posted exactly one month before Christmas...

11/23/07 There's a new site of the month for November, so go check out Medicine Cat Magic!

11/18/07 I got Thistlecloud's about me stuff up (Fweeness), and I fixed two typos on the site. On the 'About Us' page, I put 'Hi, I'm Emberpet!' and on the Ferncloud fanart page, it said 'Rusty' on top. x.x

11/17/07 It's my first news post everybody! I'm so excited I can barely breathe! ;) I added two new pictures into the fanart section! Enjoy!

11/17/07 Hey guys! I just added an adorable pic of Leafpaw that Thistlecloud drew to the fanart section! She's actually right next to me now, and I'm teaching her how to do basic html!!! ^.^

11/05/07 'Yellow, and happy November everyone! It means Thanksgiving, cold, pretty leaves, and more cold! ^.^ Anyway, I put up two more of Thistlecloud's (ha, I got her name right this time!) fanart pieces up. Isn't she good? One is of Hawkfrost and the other is a really original ThunderClan symbol. I'm so lucky to have friends who are artistically talented because my only artistic talents are words. But we make a great team! Which reminds me of a huge announcement!

Thistlecloud is joining Scatteredpelt and I as staff!!!!!
I'll get her 'About Me' stuff up as soon as she writes it! Now we are three! Yay! Feel free to send warm welcomes or comments to Thistlecloud via The Warrior's Den's official email,! (In less interesting news, I decided to get rid of the 'under MAJOR construction' sign at the top of the page that's been there for five months.)

10/30/07 First off, if this post seems a little off from me, it's because I'm in a bad mood right now (don't worry, it's not your fault, just a bad day!). Anyway, I put my pictures on their own pages and fixed a few typos in the fanart section. That's all, though. Sorry!

10/29/07 Two new signatures!! One is a Graystripe signature featuring the famous "lopsided badger" quote, and the other is a special Halloween signature that is also a message to all of you!

And be sure to check out the avatar section for the matching avatar! ^.^

10/29/07 Jeez, I'm SO sorry everybody! Especially to THISTLEcloud, whose name I've been messing up! It's Thistlecloud, everyone, and I'm going to go change everything again now! Sorry!

10/28/07 The new November calendar is up everyone! Enjoy! (To give credit where credit is due, I found the picture here!

10/28/07 Happy Halloween everyone, if I don't get around to saying that on Wednesday. I have a few small announcements. First, in the newspost, it was supposed to say Thorncloud, not Thornclaw. ^.^ Oops! Oh, and I added Scatteredpelt's parody 'Twilight' a couple days ago but didn't have time to update, and she added her fanart of Bluestar, but, again, she didn't have time to update! So, I'm letting you all know! And now I'm off to work on a new calendar before November gets here!

10/24/07 I added a new song parody I wrote called Paws! Also, the final tally for the poll is in! According to you, Firestar's Quest was AWESOME! Thanks for voting, and enjoy the new poll! (It should be up in a few minutes if not already).

10/24/07 Marshmellow Mushroom shall now and forever be know as Thornclaw! I changed her name everywhere around the site (except in news posts, because I don't change those) because we both agreed it looked weird around all of the Warrior's names. If anyone finds the name Marshmellow Mushroom where it shouldn't be, please let me know!

10/24/07 Wow! 3 updates in one day, and by both of us! Anyway, I added an old picture of Bluestar of my own, and I modified the fanart page a bit by adding those little diamond bullet thingies! Also, you will get a taste of my writing soon... ;)

10/24/07 Fwee! Marshmellow Mushroom's gray cat pic is up!! ;p

10/24/07 Okay, Marshmellow Mushroom drew two new fanarts for the site! And I put up one of hers that isn't really Warriors, but it's awesome, so check it out!!

10/19/07 I think we all noticed Scatteredpelt's mistake on her last post. (;p Payback.) Anywho, there's a new pic of Brightheart up in the fanart section if anyone dares blind themselves by looking. Seriously. By the way, I am coming to you from a mysterious remote location. lol. No it doesn't happen to be *cough* *cough* Marshmellow Mushroom's House... *cough* *cough* hehe... *shifty eyes*.

10/16/07 First of all, I don't think I'm the only one who caught a typo in Emberpelt's last newspost, so that's fixed now. Secondly, I would like to draw your attention to a new link under "Fun Stuff": Fan Art! Yes, now any artist may have their warriors fanart posted. No art (So long as it has to do with warriors and it's not too graphic) will be turned down, so feel free to send!

10/15/07, Hey guys! Happy Monday! *eye roll*. I'm trying to keep doing things on the website a bit, but I've just been too busy. I did today, however, get the next Site of the Month Award awarded! Congratulations to StarClan's Prophecy for being our October Site of the Month! (It's worth noting that my template for the award disappeared so I had to redo it, hence the tiny differences.) Have a great week!

10/11/07 Jeez, I'm so sorry I've been so inactive lately, I've just been unbelievably busy. I just decided to start announcing new affiliates, now that I've stopped adding 5 per day (lol), and I thought I'd announce The DarkClans, our newest affiliate! They're new, but they have a superb layout, so I strongly suggest you go take a look!

9/25/07 Wow, I only just noticed that all of Dinru's parodies were broken links! *gasp*. They're all fixed now, though! ^.^

9/23/07 Sorry about the lack of updates! Both of us have been so busy lately! Nothing new on this site really, but the Official Website has gotten a bit of a revamp, and it's quite fantastic! Make sure your volume's on before you click! Also, mark your calendars, because Dark River's coming on December Twenty-sixth!

9/16/07 Jeez, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been SO busy, this is literally my first chance to get on the computer since Labor Day! No big updates today unless I get to some later, but I'll try to do a little something at least once a week. For now, as I work on more stuff, I have BIG NEWS!!: I won Site of the Month from StarClan's Prophecy! I feel so honored! Thanks a ton, Starstorm!!! Idn't purdy!!:

It's headed for the awards page ASAP! ^.^

9/6/07 I'm the new staff member, Scatteredpelt. If you want to know more about me, go to the newly renamed 'About Us' page. Expect to see more of me in the future!

9/5/07 No big updates today, but I joined StarClan Prophecies Topsites, so please vote for me with the button in the upper right corner of the page! Thanks!

9/1/07 To finsh off the day (I think), there's a new tidbit up about when Ravenpaw went to live with Barley, called Ravenpaw. (I know, my titles are so creative, aren't they?) Not my best piece of writing ever, but I kind of like it.

9/1/07 Happy September everyone! I spent the entire day doing it, but the entire site is updated for Firestar's Quest! Yes, the entire site! This means the family tree is updated, the character list is updated, the name parts section is updated, there's a new poll up, and 34 new userbars!! So beware of minor to major spoilers in those areas. I put the Firestar's Quest character userbars on their own page, but since their were only three couples userbars, I put them on the bottom of the couples page. Enjoy! Also, with school now going, I apologize in advance if I begin to get behind on the website. I'll try, though!

10/24/07 Fwee! Marshmellow Mushroom's gray cat pic is up!! ;p

10/24/07 Okay, Marshmellow Mushroom drew two new fanarts for the site! And I put up one of hers that isn't really Warriors, but it's awesome, so check it out!!

10/19/07 I think we all noticed Scatteredpelt's mistake on her last post. (;p Payback.) Anywho, there's a new pic of Brightheart up in the fanart section if anyone dares blind themselves by looking. Seriously. By the way, I am coming to you from a mysterious remote location. lol. No it doesn't happen to be *cough* *cough* Marshmellow Mushroom's House... *cough* *cough* hehe... *shifty eyes*.

10/16/07 First of all, I don't think I'm the only one who caught a typo in Emberpelt�s last newspost, so that�s fixed now. Secondly, I would like to draw your attention to a new link under �Fun Stuff�: Fan Art! Yes, now any artist may have their warriors fanart posted. No art (So long as it has to do with warriors and it�s not too graphic) will be turned down, so feel free to send!

10/15/07, Hey guys! Happy Monday! *eye roll*. I'm trying to keep doing things on the website a bit, but I've just been too busy. I did today, however, get the next Site of the Month Award awarded! Congratulations to StarClan's Prophecy for being our October Site of the Month! (It's worth noting that my template for the award disappeared so I had to redo it, hence the tiny differences.) Have a great week!

10/11/07 Jeez, I'm so sorry I've been so inactive lately, I've just been unbelievably busy. I just decided to start announcing new affiliates, now that I've stopped adding 5 per day (lol), and I thought I'd announce The DarkClans, our newest affiliate! They're new, but they have a superb layout, so I strongly suggest you go take a look!

9/25/07 Wow, I only just noticed that all of Dinru's parodies were broken links! *gasp*. They're all fixed now, though! ^.^

9/23/07 Sorry about the lack of updates! Both of us have been so busy lately! Nothing new on this site really, but the Official Website has gotten a bit of a revamp, and it's quite fantastic! Make sure your volume's on before you click! Also, mark your calendars, because Dark River's coming on December Twenty-sixth!

9/16/07 Jeez, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been SO busy, this is literally my first chance to get on the computer since Labor Day! No big updates today unless I get to some later, but I'll try to do a little something at least once a week. For now, as I work on more stuff, I have BIG NEWS!!: I won Site of the Month from StarClan's Prophecy! I feel so honored! Thanks a ton, Starstorm!!! Idn't purdy!!:

It's headed for the awards page ASAP! ^.^

9/6/07 I'm the new staff member, Scatteredpelt. If you want to know more about me, go to the newly renamed 'About Us' page. Expect to see more of me in the future!

9/5/07 No big updates today, but I joined StarClan Prophecies Topsites, so please vote for me with the button in the upper right corner of the page! Thanks!

9/1/07 To finsh off the day (I think), there's a new tidbit up about when Ravenpaw went to live with Barley, called Ravenpaw. (I know, my titles are so creative, aren't they?) Not my best piece of writing ever, but I kind of like it.

9/1/07 Happy September everyone! I spent the entire day doing it, but the entire site is updated for Firestar's Quest! Yes, the entire site! This means the family tree is updated, the character list is updated, the name parts section is updated, there's a new poll up, and 34 new userbars!! So beware of minor to major spoilers in those areas. I put the Firestar's Quest character userbars on their own page, but since their were only three couples userbars, I put them on the bottom of the couples page. Enjoy! Also, with school now going, I apologize in advance if I begin to get behind on the website. I'll try, though!

8/30/07 Wow, Firestar's Quest was great! I am hoping to have the whole site updated for it by Labor Day! But for now, enjoy the new calendars page with the printable calendars for September and October! (Yes, I'm in a hurry, hence the total cheezification of my writing. *.@.

8/22/07 Firestar's Quest is out!!!!! Unfortunately, I won't have it until Saturday. Oh, well, it's not too far. ^.^ Also, decided to have a Site of the Month feature! This month is Warrior Cats Now! I've said it before a thousand times, this is my favorite Warriors fan site on the web. It was my first affiliate, and the inspiration to start my own site. The webmistress, Sunclaw, is really nice as well. Be sure to check out this most-deserving site!

8/20/07 I put up three new signatures. I don't like them much, but there they are. ^.^ I've been catching up on all of the MuggleCasts that I've missed while we read Deathly Hallows chapter by chapter. (Great Podcast, check it out if you like Harry Potter!)

8/20/07 I'm very proud of my most recent accomplishment - I tinkered with that poll over there and managed to make it look not horrible! It fits much nicer with the layout now, and I totally guessed on all of the code... but it worked! Who knew 'bg image' was an actual code?

8/19/07 Ooh! I found a much better version of the Refuge cover on Warrior Cat Pics!:

Click for full view

Just thought you guys would like to see it!

8/19/07 I have all of my planned userbars up! I got the book status userbars up! I think my grand total now is.. hold on... 234 userbars! Wow, that was unintentional! ^.^ Again, if anyone wants a custom userbar from any of my patterns, feel free to email me with the text you want on it! It doesn't have to be Warriors related, either. I may end this if I get flodded, but I doubt that'll happen. ;)

8/18/07 Fwee! I have a poll up on the sidebar! I'll try to update it fairly often. Be sure to vote!

8/18/07 Okay, I'm done with all of the character userbars! Five pages of character ones, twenty userbars per page! That's one hundred! Plus all of the couples ones, and there are more still to come! Userbars everywhere!! If anyone wants to request a character I didn't do, or an original character, or a fan shipping, feel free to email me and I'll make it! (They take 20 seconds each, so...) Enjoy!

8/15/07 Tons more userbars up!

8/15/07 It appears no one won the '2000 hit' contest, so it's now the '2250 hit' contest! If you are the 2,250th hit, let me know! Also, I just put a userbar page off, but I'm working on them now! (Hence the odd choices of characters and the missing main characters.) They should be done in the next day or two (for this set).

8/15/07 I moved the counter from the right side bar to the main page, because I decided it was pointless to count hits on every page. So it's moved! Fwee!

8/15/07 Okay, I updated the character list and family tree with the two new pieces of information I found in the New Wands and Worlds Chat. One is that Cinderpelt did, in fact, love Fireheart, and that Tawnypelt's mate is Rowanclaw. (I don't much like it either, but what the author's say goes.) Hopefully, there'll be more updates today!

8/15/07 I know I don't usually post new affiliates here, but I had to point out one of my top affiliates that I just affiliated with, StarClan's Prophecy. It's a really great site I just saw for the first time this morning, and it, surprisingly, hasn't had many visitors yet, so I thought I'd point it out and tell everyone to go check it out!

8/13/07 No updates yet, but guess what I found! I saw that Warrior's Wish found the Warriors: Refuge cover, but it came up as a broken image in my browser, so I started to look and I found it on a Wands and Worlds forum. So I figured I put it up here too. Someone somewhere leaked it, and we've got it! (We being Warriors fans everywhere.):

Click for full view
Also, I'm running a contest! Whoever makes the 2,000 hit on the website should take a screen shot and email it to me, and they can request a graphic! Anything other than layouts and blogs, which I haven't figured out yet. Good luck, and please don't just refresh over and over!

8/10/07 Tiny update for now- I put an 'Affiliate With The Warriors Den' page up, just to make things easier, and because Dinru suggested it. I'm also working on a new Warriors AMV for you guys, so that should be done in the next day or two. Also, I'm looking for submissions to the site to put up. Help from you guys will help make my site grow faster! And I am also ready to have staff. If anyone is interested is becomeing a staff member of TWD, and you don't have to know any HTML, but if you do, that's cool too, please email me and I will get back to you ASAP!

8/9/07 I got tired of the right side bar stretching on for eternity, so I moved most of my affiliates to a new page, and added descriptions. I kept my top affiliates (actually, just my personal favorites) on the right side bar, though. Enjoy!

8/9/07 In Warrior's News, I just found the new cover to Dark River! I'm sure most of you have seen it already, but it's new to me, and I figured I'd post it:

Click for larger view

Isn't it neat! Also, if you haven't seen it yet, go to The Official Warriors Website and click 'News and Exclusives', then the Firestar's Quest cover to read the new excerpt. Now that I'm caught up with that, time to update my site!

8/9/07 Wow, have I neglected you guys! But I have big news: I just won this lovely Site of the Month Award from Medicine Cat Magic! Check it out:

Isn't it lovely! I'm putting up a new 'Awards' page to celebrate. This may just be the spark I needed to get back to updating! I apologize again for leaving the site for so long, but I'm back and it's time to add new content!

7/21/07 Sorry again! I've been swept away by Pottermainia... and summer camp. Anyway, I got up a ton more song parodies, doubling the number that are there! They are all by my good friend, Dinru. If you have anything you want up, just email it to me! Anyway, thanks everyone so much for coming to the site! I'm up to 177 unique hits!

7/11/07 So sorry I've missed so much! I've just been busy. I watched LiveEarth begining to end, and I'm also trying to follow the E3 coverage, especially Nintendo. (Brawl on Dec. 3! Yahoo!) I've also been busy with my three guilds. But The Warrior's Den now has an offical Neopets guild, LakeClan, run by me! Be sure to check it out! The official website can also be found here . I'm also about to update the About Me and Contact Me pages with the new info. Sorry if I don't manage to get on every day, but I'll try!

7/6/07 Sorry I missed another day! But it's only 2:00amNST, so I'm not that far off! lol. I did just get ten new signatures up that I've been working on, and I will *hopefully* be doing more on the site later today.

7/4/07 Happy Fourth of July everyone! (Oh, and happy Canada day on the first and Happy Bastille (sp?) day somewhere around here... anyway, it being a holiday, I'm pretty busy, so I'm sorry if I don't get any updates up. I just thought I'd touch base quick. Wow, this is a cheezy, pointless post! *Spam*

7/3/07 I added the warrior code! I know most fans know it, and have the book, but it is a standard to have on most Warriors web sites, so I just put it up quick. I'm planning to do this with fighting tactics later, too.

7/2/07 I added a name parts section! It has (I belive) every individual part of a name through the series. If you found one I missed, or are curious where I found some of them, feel free to contact me and I'd be glad to let you know where I found it! Enjoy! I'm planning a role-play section someday too, and I have some stuff written for it, but not typed. Anyway, I've got to go, so again, enjoy!

7/2/07 Hey! No updates today as of yet (but I have a lot in my notebook I plan to type up today!), but I had to let you guys know: if you go to The Official Warriors Website's Update Page, you will find a 'Warriors Play Script' button. It's deffinately worth a read! Go check it out!

7/1/07 Happy July! I just go up eight new siggys. They're all similar, though, so it's really like two with minor changes. Enjoy! I'll be busy today, Marshmellow Mushroom (see Thank Yous) is coming today, and she keeps me busy. ;) Hopefully the siggys should be enough for today! (Not that I won't try to get more up!)

6/30/07 I've finshed my other huge project! The Warrior's Family Tree is here! View it here! You have to zoom in to read it clearly, sorry Explorer users! Also, sorry about the colors... ^.^. Big thanks to Dinru for all the help! I'm looking at a few little updates today, but not many more huge updates, I've got a busy day ahead.

6/29/07 I added the New Prophecy decopage signature! I know today, compared to other days, has been dull and update-less, but I've spent the amount of time I usually spend on the website on the family tree - and trust me, it'll be worth the wait. It's coming out great, thanks mostly to Dinru who is walking me through what I need to know step by step. I can't wait to release it!

6/28/07 I sat down last night after finishing the Character list with my pencil in my hand and my notebook in front of me, trying to come up with a new idea. Then I thought about working on the character list, and eventually my mind wandered off to Molepaw. Suddenly, I'd figured it out, and my pencil flew over the next two and a half pages, with many, many errors and no line breaks. ^.^ The result (with a lot of editing), is the new tidbits section with the first tidbit, Molepaw! For a further explanation of how the word 'tidbit' was chosen, look at the page because I don't think I want to type it twice! (^.^ again). Look for even MORE updates today! I also took down those links on the left that only took you to a page that said 'This section under construction'. They were annoying even me!

6/27/07 I'm DONE!!!! I never thought it would happen, but I finished my character list for all of ThunderClan! *phew*! That was a LOT of work. 28 pages handwritten and 24 typed! If you find any wrong info or typos, please let me know! I've re-read it a couple times, but I've never been good at editing. ^.^ Comments and suggestions are appreciated, and I will hopefully soon be adding 'Cause of Death' for those that apply. Also, if anyone knows how to do that cool html thing where you have a link that moves you to a specific part on the page, let me know because that could make the page really cool, don't you think? Also (also again, ;) ) I'll be making one for WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan eventually, but that was a lot of work so I think I'll hold off on those for a bit. They're on the to-do list, though!

6/27/07 I got four new signatures up! I really don't like the Brambleclaw/Squirrelflight one, but I absolutely love the decopage one! It took like two hours to make, though! Stay tuned for a New Prophecy version today or tommorrow! (Hopefully... ;) )

6/27/07 Wow, that didn't take long! Kits are up, and Longtail is (finally) in his rightful place, under Elders.

6/27/07 Do you remember that ThunderClan character list I started long, long ago? I got bored with it and started doing other things, but I have returned to it! Right now, I've finished apprentices and permanent queens, and I'm hoping to get through at least kits today, since they're done in my notebook and just need to be typed up. (I've hit 24 one sided pages of this list now, handwritten! I have been doing it double-sided, but it sounds better if I give the one-sided count). Well, a-typing I will go!

6/27/07 I'm hoping to make today another update-rich day. I've began by adding 4 new signatures that I'm very proud of. I actually made them yesterday, but I uploaded them today. Enjoy!

6/26/07 Tons of new avatars! 34 to be exact, bringing my grand total to... *drumroll* 48! Wow! Most of them are just crop jobs, but they're still pretty nice in my opinion. Then again, I am just a little biased...

6/25/07 Woo! I added avatars! 14 of 'em! Phew... I think I'm done for today! ^.^

6/25/07 And the updates continue! I finished the News Archives page, added some text over the news section (just look up ^.^), and moved the contact information off the About Me page and onto it's own Contact Me page.

6/25/07 Wow, am I on a roll today! FIVE more signatures are up! My personal favorite is Fire!. I also am adding a news archive page because this page is getting a little crowded. Still working on the site. Hopefully I'll have more update-rich days like this soon!

6/25/07 Two Updates in one day! I'm making up for lost time! I added stuff to the about me page, and am going to work on more siggys! Wow, it's hard to type without disturbing the cat laying on my hand! ^.^ Oh, and in Warrior News, it looks like Kate updated her OAQ on Guttersnipe! Interesting - Tui Sutherland wrote SotC! (Yes, I ♥ exclamation marks today!)

6/25/07 Wow, another day missed! I'm so sorry, I haven't been feeling well. Anyway, I added three siggys, and hopefully more content will be added throughout the day today! Sorry about the siggys, I'm hopeless at graphics!

6/23/07 Ahh! So sorry I missed day, guys! I was sick yesterday. And look at that hit counter rise! Yes, a lot of them were me, but I checked and there are 76 unique hits so far! Thanks!! Also, in the interests of actual content, I added a video that's a tribute to Tigerclaw. Yes, I know it's Tigerstar now, but it wasn't an accident, I purposely used the name Tigerclaw. You can find it on the left sidebar under Fun Stuff, or on You Tube here.

6/21/07 Happy first day of summer! I'm sorry about the serious lack of updates, but I've been beyond busy. But I've made some blogs! I just have to code them, but if you want to see them, go to Just replace the HERE with any of the following terms to get the corresponding blog: wee, tunies, theone, roses, rlilyflutter, notakittypet, growl, flutterby, feathertail, or bee. All of the photos were taken by me except wee, feathertail, and growl. Enjoy, and feel free to code them yourself if you'd rather while waiting for me to figure it out. ^.^

6/20/07 Hey! Guess what! For all of you who don't have a neopets account, I just got email for the site! If you want to send me anything, send it to!

6/19/07 Hey everyone! I was just bored. (I know, I know, I shouldn't be bored with this site, but I'm out of ideas, and the character list is getting tiring, so I took a break.) But I did make this for your enjoyment! I may do something with it, but for now, anyone can take it and use it for whatever! No credit needed, although it is appreciated!

6/18/07 Sorry about the recent lack of updates! I've been super busy with my guilds lately, we had a gathering last night and I spent three hours transcribing it this morning, which ate away a lot of time. ;) I also wanted to say thanks, because there are actual people coming here! I checked my counter stats and it said that ther have been 30 unique hits! Yay! Thanks a ton, guys!

6/17/07 I put a bunch of links to other awesome warrior's websites on the right side bar, so check them out! Also, thanks a ton to Sunclaw, the AWESOME webmisstress of Warrior Cats Now, for becoming my first affiliate! Okay, let's try a new method of ending a news post.

6/16/07 Wow! Is it the sixteenth already! Jeez. Anyway, not much new today, but I started the apprentice section on the character list, and I started a new content idea in my notebook! (Yes, every single piece of content on the site is first written in pencil in my gigantic three subject notebook. I have two subjects worth of content done, I just have to format it and type it up, which is time consuming! Well, that's it, but I'll be periodically updating the character list today. And myabe adding to the tiny affiliate list! Emberpelt out! (If that's gettnig annoying, let me know! I may get rid of the 'Emberpelt out!' thing soon because it's starting to annoy me.)

6/15/07 Hey! Sorry about the short post last time, I've been super busy with my guilds lately, so I haven't gotten much done. What I have done is finish all of the leaders, deputies, m. cats, and warriors on the character list! Now just apprentices, permanent queens, elders, and kits! (geez, there's a lot of cats.) Also, if anyone has any tips for me making that family tree thing on a computer and READABLE, just let me know. Well, I think that's it for now, but I'll make it a personal goal to update at least once a day. Emberpelt out!

6/14/07 Hello! I am about to add some stuff to the family tree section, so check it out!

6/13/07 Good morning everyone! I finally figured out SHTML so that I don't have to copy-paste every change in my layout onto all the pages anymore! Whoopie! (Thanks, Dinru!) Speaking of thank yous, I also put up a thank you page, as well as a splash, a link to the splash (home), a link to this page (News), and all of those song parodies I wrote for ISNH (Songs). New content is going up fast, and I'll try to keep it up! Emberpelt out! (Tell me if that ending is getting annoying.)

6/12/07 Just to let anyone know who may have accidently stumbled upon this site, or those friends and family who I sent it to, the only links on the layout that will take you to a page that DOESN'T say "This section under construction" are About Me, Home (obviously), and ThunderClan Cats on the left sidebar, and the lonely link, Insert Site Name Here on the right sidebar. Oh, and the layout is totally finished! What do you think? I love it, personally. I would really appreciate comments on it or any of my... limited content by neomailing me at rugrfan3 or dawnwind, or by emailing me if you know me in real life. Thanks! Emberpelt out!

6/12/07 Hi, I'm Emberpelt, and I have finally followed through with my goal and started a Warriors website! I spent all last night working on the layout, coded it today, and look! Isn't it just beautiful! I know the site isn't much yet, but trust me, it will get better! I have many big plans, including a COMPLETE family tree, and a list of bios for every cat ever in ThunderClan. I'm not starting small, am I? I will always post when I add to the site, or when Warriors news occurs. At this point, the only way to contact me is to neomail my neopets account, rugrfan3, but I'll try to fix that soon. Emberpelt out!

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